Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Why should we care what you have to say?

Hello, CNN.  Hi, New York Times, Take a seat, Oprah, there's one for you right next to Michael Moore and Leo DiCaprio. All the rest of you in the legacy media, there's some folding chairs in the back, go ahead, make yourselves comfortable.  Sorry, Amy Schumer, either stand or just sit on the floor.

OK, looks like everyone's here, may as well get this started.  It's been a week since Trump won.  Look, admit it, it's over, he won.  And he has a pen and a phone, and all the demonstrations in the streets are not going to change the fact that he is going to be the President in January.  It's done.

Look, Amy, this is a closed meeting, not a rally.  Put the sign down and stop chanting.  There's no cameras here.  And he is your President.

Anyhow, that's not why I called you all here today.  I wanted to talk to you about something more important.

Have you noticed the ratings are down?  Not just CNN and ABC and CBS and NBC either.  Print circulation is down across the board.  Times, how much is your advertising revenue down this year?  And not just the legacy media either.  Hollywood, have you noticed that Bollywood is breathing down your necks?  What are domestic ticket sales looking like, year over year?

This year, the whole lot of you went all-in for Hillary Clinton.  Sure, some of you paid some lip service to Feeling the Bern, but we all knew the fix was in after what happened to Hillary in 2008.  It was her turn and she was a woman and Republicans are stupid and evil to stand in the way of progress amirite?

Pay attention, Leo, this is important.  You all pulled as hard as you could for Hillary, didn't you?  Didn't you pass her debate questions in the primaries and stab Bernie in the back?  Didn't you hush up all mention of her crimes and paint the FBI as incompetent meddlers?  Didn't you skew your polling samples as far to the Democrat side as you could get away with?  Didn't you make pariahs out of anyone who suggested Trump might have a chance?

You all tried your very best and used all the influence you had, didn't you?

And what happened?  She lost.

Stop blubbering, Amy.  Can you get over the fact that she lost long enough to connect those sentences together in your head?  You tried everything you had and used all the pull you could and the American people didn't buy it.  At least, enough of them didn't buy it they either stayed home or voted for Trump.

So what does that tell you about your actual influence over elections, AP?  Still think you guys are worth 15 points at the polls?  Here's a scary thought - what if you are worth 15 points and you still lost?

Are you even worth those 15 points at the polls anymore?  70 million people read Matt Drudge every day, what's your audience CBS News?

Julian Assange by himself now has more credibility than all of you put together.  That's an important word, credibility.  It's the only thing a news organization really has to sell.  When the National Enquirer has a better long-term track record in their political reporting than you do, what does that say about your credibility?

Once your credibility is gone, what do you have left to sell?  How are you different from the Weekly World News?  And why should anyone pay attention to what you have to say now?

1 comment:

News Bucket said...

good article...